Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

face the storm

A wise message "storm definitely passed" make some people who are facing the storm to strengthen himself for now as strong, the storm will hit with full force, only by firmly gripping the earth will make its own rigidity, neglected, outcast, outcasts from the community, loss of office , the subject of gossip, cornered in one particular position makes people lose their integrity, feeling powerless and the future looks bleak, all the beautiful samurai forging hammer is a recurring, life gives us to grow stronger storms.
Against the storm is impossible, but mensikapi or anticipate the storm is different, the storm can be conquered with certain strategies. Why do we need mensikapi storm? In order for the brain is better equipped to solve the problem, so the body are trained to move fast, there is no problem that can not be overcome. Later, time will show a fact why the storm is sent.
A caterpillar turn into a beautiful butterfly after going through the process of becoming a cocoon, to be a formidable person, a tough, resilient so that an individual needs to strengthen his mental resilience, the stronger the resistance will be more mentally tough person mensikapi life.
Examination of life, conflicts, problems, disunity is a storm that came suddenly to make individual or group to become more resilient and stronger. Strengthening the mental is a basic foundation, build mental champion, set goalsetting, make a person stronger and more rigid in the future.

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